Thursday, May 28, 2009

Deafest & Cynd split

Artist: Deafest & Cynd
Album: split
Genre: Black Metal
Year: 2009
Origin: USA

I really don't know anything about these two bands, except that they play nature-lovin' black metal with a depressive tone. Coniferous by Deafest is the stand-out track in my opinion. This album is nothing groundbreaking, but it's some quality underground music.

Sorry the description isn't better, I'm sick. :C

receive album


Charles D. Ward said...

Your description hit the nail right on the head. Deafest, despite the weird name and ugly logo (yea TBH I judge on that kinda thing), is indeed the better contributor here for me but both sides consists of worthy material.

Chase said...

The new Deafest EP: Through Wood and Fog is up for download:

TheChiefCommie said...

Sweet, thanks for the link!

Chase said...

Deafest / Evergreen Refuge split is available for free from our bandcamp pages:

Grey Rock, Red Earth – Deafest & Evergreen Refuge Split
Pay what you want at bandcamp