Album: The Tenant
Genre: Black Metal
Year: 2010
Origin: USA
Ludicra is a black metal band out of my local San Francisco. I've only heard this most recent release even though I'd seen their name around, and as I type this I'm kicking myself for not listening to them sooner. After only a couple listens I'm sure this album will make my top-releases list for this year. The vocalist is female, but mainly uses harsh vocals, and the guitar work is rather more progressive than I expected, though this might not be the case for the band's earlier albums. The band includes members of Wolves in the Throne Room, Agalloch, and Hammers of Misfortune. I would especially love to hear their 2001 split with The Gault, which is another San Francisco metal band that I highly recommend. Ludicra was supposed to be opening for Mayhem on their US tour this spring, but it looks like Mayhem canceled?
receive album
Thanks for this.
no big.
The Gault split never saw the light of day. Metal ARchives isn't always a reliable source of info.
Ah, well that's too bad! Thanks for letting me know.
How awesome is that, getting a comment from the drummer instead of a take down notice? I haven't heard any Ludicra yet. So thanks.
It always makes me happy that I've had mainly positive support from underground musicians on my blog. It really shows that they care about their music and their fans. Send these folks some money!
Hi, thanks for sharing this.
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